In the year 1998, Freddy Pauels, managing director of Pauels GmbH, decided in accordance with his father Bernhard Pauels, to guide the small family business into the next stage. They were sure that the newly founded industrial zone „Kaiserbaracke“ in Born was the perfect location for this project. The new industrial zone was dedicated to the forest industry; the perfect place for a sawmill to develop its full potential. In cooperation with the log trading company „Holz Niessen“, a self-sufficient cluster was created. Due to its favourable location in the heart of Europe and close to the highway, sales in all Europe are easily done.
A first important step into further processing the timber was the commissioning of the first two drying kilns.
By building the moulding plant, our production area doubled. Now profiled boards, garden timber and battens can be offerd to our customers.
With the second planing line in action, wood lamellas for the fruit box industry started being produced, and an important market had been developed.
Drying capacities were multiplied by building the first ever continous kiln in Belgium. Belwood Amel took thereby a lead role in Belgium, other companies should follow their way. The newly build grading line enabled Belwood to start grade their timber according CE norms.
By building the glulam factory, another important market has been developped. BSH, Duo/Trio and KVH are sold accross all of Europe.
With the construction of this warehouse and production hall of a size of 5.600m² we extend the product range enormously together with our sister company Woodinnovation. Woodinnovation has specialized in the cutting of BSP/CLT elements.